
  • Botany
    • Vision


      To develop  excellence  in  education, in  the  field  of  Botany  where  teaching, learning , research and detailed  understanding  from  microbes  to  angiosperm.




      To  impart  holistic  understanding  of  Botany  by  “redefining  Botany”  to  students  of  every  stage  so  that  they  develop  interest  in  science. 


      Promoting  the  living  skills  among  the  less  privileged       backgrounds  and  encouraging  them  to  be  of  high  quality  education  process.




      The objective of the department is, we want to transform our students as Eco-soldier, who not only take care of environment but also educate the people to maintain the eco-balance.


       As most of the students are having rural background, their latest knowledge about seeds, pesticides, soil testing, harvesting methods are useful for their parents and fellow inhabitants of the village.



      The college was established during the year 2008 with traditional courses B.Sc, B.A and B.Com.

      The services of the following faculty were rendered to the department of Botany


      1.     Dr. S.Vijaya

      2.     Smt.S.Satyaveni


      At present Dr.R.Lalitha (Assistant professor)acting as in charge of the department and Smt.U.Swathi(Lecturer) are serving in the department till date.

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