
  • Mathematics
    • Department of Mathematics


      About the Department

      Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1965. Initially B.Sc (MPC) TM courses were taught, subsequently B.Sc (MPCs) course was introduced in the academic year 1998. The Department   has been motivating and looking after the students by providing excellent guidance in Mathematics and guiding for PG entrance in IIT-JAM and various Universities by supplying a good number of text books and reference books.


      Vision and Mission of the Department:

      ision: To  create an enlighten society of educated young minds with scientific temperament, logical analysis and rational thinking.

      Mission:  Teachers of mathematics, we believe that every problem has a solution as long as you apply the right formula. Our mission is to prepare the students not only for the three year academic phase but also for the period where they have to struggle individually for their careers and jobs.  Our teaching is career based and competitive exam oriented with maximum focus on analytical and practical abilities. Winning traits like Life skills, self confidence and problem solving capacity are given special place in our curriculum. Our mission is to produce intellectuals of highest order who perceive problems as tools of self-realization.

      Programmes Offered

         The Department of  Mathematics offered the following combinations of courses for boys and girls.

                       B.Sc. (M.P.Cs) EM

                       B.Sc. (M.P.C) EM


      s, Computer Science


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