
  • Botany
    •   Dr S.ANURADHA   Asst Prof of Botany


       Department of Botany Chevella provides a holistic approach in learning plant sciences and provide foundation for professional development as plants are ineviatble but inimitable to sustain life.   Department of Botany is offering BSC with BZC and BZCs combination with total student strenght of 60. The Department inspires student to reach the fronteirs of Plant Sciences , to develop an aptitude for understanding nature and its rich biodiversity.To acquire knowledge on the taxonomic and medicinal status of various plants. Department encourages students to appreciate the correlation between the structure and functions of plants , its ecosystems and also bring awareness on environmental aspects. Department organizes various activities like botany tours , Seminars , workshops and outreach programmes to students on regular basis to enrich their knowledge.

       Workshop on different medicinal and aromatic plants


       PPT presentation using ICT tools


       Seminar talk on plant nutrition and its health benefits on Poshan Abayan divas week in September


       Botanical tour to Department of Botany Osmania University


        Participation in State Level Workshop, GDC Pathancheru


       “World Environment Day” Celebrations on June 4 2022 at Environment Protection Training and Research Institute Hyderabad (EPTRI)- Hyderabad



      The students and staff have planted several tree saplings during various tree plantation programmes organized by the institution through the NSS wing and all these trees are taken care of and maintained by the institution.

       Clean and green campus drives are organized regularly by NSS unit I and WEC of the college.

      Mild chemicals are used for cleaning and maintaining the campus.



      QR codes (Short form – Quick Response) are bar codes that can be read by smart phone cameras. A QR code is unique to a web page. All plant pages have their own unique code.

      Tagging plants with QR codes in college campus helps users access the plant information instantly, which has earlier just limited to teachers and students of botany. It helps in knowledge the local name, scientific name, use of plants etc.


      QR Code for Annona squamosa (Custard apple)



      1. Identification of the plants based on morphological characters, preparing herbarium.

      2. Collection of information regarding medicinal plants.

      3. Preparation of seed balls.

      4.Millet’s exhibition.

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