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Initiaties taken by College


Harithaharam,a large scale tree planting programme was launched by the Government of Telangana in 2015.The goal is to plant 230 crore saplings to increase the greenery and save the environment.At Government Degree College,Zaheerabad to achieve the goal every year 100 saplings are plante in the College campus and nurtured.On 9th july 2018 the Harithaharam programme was held in the college campus with an aim to plant 100 saplings ,inagurated by the Principal,Government Degree College,Zaheerabad.The students were involved to accomplish the responsibility of saving our planet by this Telangana ku Harithaharam initiative.Plants are the purifiers of the planet earth.Earth is laboratory where e can do a lot of experiments ith the trees and gain lots of benefits for human life.The programme as coordinated by NSS Unit ,staff and students.The atmosphere had a festive vibe,here the students gathered in huge number and enjoyed the beauty of the nature and also did the needful for mother earth.


Vermi compost

Vermicompost is an eco friendly activity of the college.This activity is run by the College since the year 2018.The beds were prepared by using the college garden aste materials,lan cuttings,cow dung etc.Water is daily showered to maintain the moisture.As the compost is in the ground there is a threat from the insects,particularly from red ants.THis can be avoid by using lakshmana rekha.After every to months ,compost is collected.The compost sold among the staff members and students of the college.


Plastic free campus

Plastic free campus is the programme that aims to measurably reuce plastic pollution in the college campus.For this programme the following initiatives taken by the institution.1.Ban use of single use plastics in the college campus.2.carry out awareness drives ans sensitisation programmes on the harmful impacts of single use plastics.3.mandate all the students to avoid bringing single use plastic items to the institution.4.Install necessary alternative facilities like water units to avoid the use of plastic water bottles,and encourage the use of alternative solutions like cloth bags,paper bags instead of plastic bottles,bags,covers and other goods on campus.


Paper less communication for administrative and academic purpose

A Paperless office or paper free office is a work environment in which the use of paper is eliminated or greatly reduce.This is done by converting documents and other papers into digital form,a process is known as digitiation.In our college,we circulate the documents for editing and approvals electronically and using the track change featuers in microsoft word.Printing on both sides of each sheet of the paper.Also sharing the information by projecting it.Paperless is working digitally.It’s thus,the application of technological tools in information management with the reduction in papaer process.unlocking the over dependence on paper in information processes in our college system can be achieved with determine efforts by all towards possibility of a paperless college system ith effective utilization of developed technological tools readily available.



Every Monday no vehicles permitted into the college campus

In our College this system was implemented since the year 2018.Every Monday all the students and staff vehicles are not permitted into the college campus.this initiative taken by the institution to avoid the air pollution atleast once in the weekly.


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